

While applying for Google’s UX design internship, I completed a quick design exercise, with the prompt: create an application that will help incoming college students figure out what student organizations they might want to join.

Considering how often students use smartphones, I came up with a mobile application that allows ease of browsing, searching, and proposing new student organizations that would get people more educated about campus activities.

I need to create a practical outlet for new and old students to get involved on campus through student organizations.

Design Process

While only having myself to consult, I did a few white boarding activities and user scenario exploration before jumping into a few high fidelity mockups. I wireframed as well, but the software I was using restricted me from prototyping anything responsive enough to conduct user testing with. I ultimately just showed some of my screenshots and ideas to my peers and asked if they would find the application helpful.

The following is the embedded powerpoint I sent to Google detailing my design process.


My major constraint was time. I had to complete the entire design activity within a day while also getting used to a third party design software. At the time, I did not have access to any industry standard programs, and the one I downloaded was buggy and slow.

As I mentioned before, lack of ability to prototype with free tools made me unable to conduct real user testing or show much interaction design. I portrayed as much of it as I could in my final wireframe.


This project definitely tested my rapid prototyping skills, and it was my first project like this where I took the design from start to finish by myself. Although its still a bit rough around the edges, I think I did pretty well considering my constraints. This application has much potential for future design and development!

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